Trinh + Hieu | Wedding

Tuesday, October 20, 2009 | |

So this blog post is totally long overdue and it just goes to show you how behind I am on editing. Today (yesterday) was so crazy. I spent 10+ hours in front of this very screen editing images. I definitely need a break, but yearbook deadlines are flashing in front of my face.

I'm going to be honest and say that I'm not sure if I'm cut out for the wedding photography business. Not yet anyway. Or maybe, I just need more experience. This is the third wedding I've done and yes, I am slowly getting better... but dang, weddings are hard. I think I might stick to portraits for awhile and just take on second shooting jobs....

Remember these two lovebirds? I wrote about them here and here. I might do a fourth post about them after this to show you a few more of their portraits on our engagement shoots, but I just wanted to post a few from their September 19th wedding (See? I told you I'm behind). If you check out my Facebook page, you'll be able to see a few more... but enjoy these. I apologize for the image quality- these are screen captures.


Heidi Stone said...

Hey! Just stopped over after visiting Jamie's blog. I gotta tell ya...I'm TOTALLY not cut out for weddings. I've been in business about a year and a half and weddings are just....dropping off my radar. They're a TON of work. Work that this mother of 4 is just not cut out for. I say that not to discourage you, but to let you know that weddings are NOT for everyone. And that's okay. :)

Your senior images are fantastic though! I really enjoy senior portraits and, at one point, wanted to make that my business focus. I'm now focusing on newborns but I do still LOVE senior sessions!

Anyway, just wanted to drop you a line. :) Nice to meet you!

Heidi, Indy Photography

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