Capital High School Homecoming | Portraits

Tuesday, October 27, 2009 | |

I first met Shelby this past July volunteering at Summer Hummer (which, by the way, is my FAVORITE part of summer). I met her through Nghia, who I've known pretty much my whole life. I love Shelby and the fact that she is always happy. She loves Jesus and it's apparent that He is active in her life. Love love love it. She asked me a few weeks ago whether or not I would take some quick portraits of her and her group last Saturday for their Homecoming and I was more than happy to do it! We took these at the Lacey Community Center where there was a little forest of these beautiful trees. Love it. Hope you kids had a great time at the dance!

Josh and Julissa
Rohin and Haley
Nghia and Shelby
Some group shots!


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